Friday, July 10, 2015

We Are All Pedestrians

We are all pedestriansWalking is a basic and common mode of transport and no matter short or long trip, every trip begins and ends with walking. However, majority of road users, especially pedestrians did not aware of their behaviours and attitude are putting their lives in danger on the busy roads.

Soruce:  Google Image - Pedestrian 

Attitude of road users is the main concern of Promise Me Road Safety Campaign. Promise Me Campaign is not only aim to create awareness of road safety, also to increase road users’ knowledge and encourage behaviour and attitude change in terms of their irresponsible road user’s act.

The pictures below are an Safe Cycling Campaign conducted by DDB Singapore & media agency OMD which related to attitude of a road user:



According to The Star online, Malaysia was ranked among the top 25 most dangerous countries for road users, with 30 fatalities per 100,000 individuals, and Malaysia has 17th most dangerous road in the world.

Roads here are not only a nightmare to drive on with all the potholes, they can be deadly too with huge lorries competing for space with smaller vehicles. “The rider did not realise the pothole was there and suddenly had to brake, causing him to fall and injure his knees,” Zulkifli said.

Therefore, pedestrians should be more alert and have better knowledge of pedestrian’s safety to prevent kill or injuries in a traffic crash.

What situations increased walking can lead to increased risk of road traffic crashes and injury?

People who:
·         Using mobile phone
·         Using iPod or MP3 player
·         Do not using traffic signals and crosswalks
·         Difficult to see on the roads

Here are few photos Promise Me Campaign would like to share:
Promise Me Pre-event, Road Block + Crossing Guard

Promise Me volunteer "cops" are maintaining order at College's canteen 2 area.

Be focus while on the road, and stay ALERT to traffic.

Also, some worth seeing photos from Online:

Source: &

How can pedestrians help prevent injuries and deaths from motor vehicle crashes?

·       Pedestrians should increase their visibility at night by carrying a flashlight when walking and by wearing retro-reflective clothing or lightly colour cloth that makes them much more visible.
·       Pedestrians should cross the street by using designated crosswalk or intersection and traffic signals.
·       It is much safer to walk on a sidewalk, but if a sidewalk is not available, pedestrians should walk on the shoulder and facing traffic.

There are More TIPS on how to keep yourself safe while on the road OR more information about bad attitudes of Malaysian road users YOU can learn from Promise Me. 

It's time to update your knowledge about road safety, learn more Road Safety TIPS from: 


Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, 

Canteen 2,

29th - 31st July 2015,

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Lisa Yeoh Shu Min

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