Thursday, July 9, 2015

5 road sign is made your confuse! Take a note for this!

5 road sign is made your confuse! Take a note for this!


1. Crosswinds
-          When you see this sign, please driver be careful when driving
-          Already prepare to stop when the wind is too strong.


2. Keep Left Sign
   -          Slow down your speed when approaching bends on the road.
   -          Pay attention for the direction on the road.


3. Stop Ahead
-          Slow down your speed when you are approaching for this sign.
-          Stop and looking surround then make sure the road is safety then can crossing

source: q=road+sign+pictures&biw=1093&bih=514&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI4YrU8OL7xgIVCQaOCh09zw S#imgdii=AcPNCRGF2AgERM%3A%3BAcPNCRGF2AgERM%3A%3BqvAG_bHYHNkADM%3A&imgrc=AcPNCRGF2AgERM%3A
4.   Give way
-          Slow down your speed on the road.
-          Give a way to vehicles from right side.


5. Winding road
-          Slow down the speed on the road.
-          Drive in safe.
-          No overtaking on the road.

This 5 of the road sign, have many people are not sure what is it. There also have some of the people haven’t see before for this type of road sign. This type of the road sign need to take a note, will be asking on the road safety campaign to win the prize and support us. Promise me, be careful be homeJ  

Yong Pui Keng 
Activity Department

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