Friday, July 24, 2015

Animal Crossing and Tire Blowouts Cause Car Accidents

Car accidents are common in Malaysia. We have decided to publish few reasons why people are involved in a car accident, to educate people about these issues. Being involved in an automobile accident can have serious consequences. Drivers are sometimes left with devastating injuries requiring extensive medical treatment or suffer fatal injuries. Keep these reasons in mind the next time you are on the road, it may help you avoid an accident.

1) Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing Causes Car Accident

It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take their life away. We should treasure them as a God creation. Life is life--whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat and a man.
The whole case for behaving decently to animals rests on the fact that we are the superior species. We are the species uniquely capable of imagination, rationality, and moral choice. That is precisely why we are under an obligation to recognize and respect the rights of animals. Thus, drive safe to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

May all that have life be delivered from suffering. ---Buddha

There are 5 EASY Tips to Avoid Hitting the Animal:

1.  Try to avoid hitting the animal. While this is obvious, you should know that while hitting the animal could kill it, you are also in danger.  

2.  Slow down as much as you possibly can as you approach it. This will give the animal an extra moment to hopefully leave the road and lessen the resulting car accident.

3.  Remain in the same lane. This is how people get into car accidents with other cars.  You must be careful not to make a bad situation worse.

4.  Never touch an animal after the accident. A frightened or wounded animal can be extremely dangerous.  You should contact police if the animal is dead or unable to move from the roadway.

5. Be aware of animal crossing in rural and mountainous streets. Always slow down speeds while driving at curved mountain road.  Motorcyclist should always wear proper safety gear to as to decrease the chances on serious injuries.

2) Tire Blowouts
Learn about how to handle Tire Blowouts.

What Causes Tire Blowouts That Create Car Accidents?
  •  Potholes
  •  Large cut that causes rapid air loss.
  • Small puncture to the wheel that allows air loss slowly over time until the tire pressure fails.
  • Overloading the car causes the tire to give way.
Here are some tips, from experienced car accident lawyers, to help you safely survive a blowout:

1. Prepare ahead of time.
2. Continue your rate of speed immediately after the blowout.
3. Gently counter-steer to offset pulling by the blown tire.
4. Once the car stabilizes, begin to slow down and carefully pull over to the side of the road.
5. Always drive a safe distance behind the car or truck ahead of you.

Thus, driving a quality car could help minimize road accidents to an extent. Drivers should have regular car and Tyre check-up to avoid car accidents happen anywhere and anytime. A tiny little action could save you and your families live.

In a nut shell, majority of the car accidents begin from the driver themselves. Every road users should be more responsible and be careful while driving vehicles. All people must behave in a good driving manner and attitude so that the rate of accidents happen every year can be decrease because it is so sad to see many tears flowing especially losing their loved one in an accident. So remember, keep you promise to your loves one as you can go home safely.

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
- Promise me, Be careful Be Home -

14 WHR 11314

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