Saturday, July 4, 2015

Rule and Regulation of Road in Malaysia - Overtaking

       Malaysia is the highest road fatality risk among the region of ASEAN. One of the causes of the road accident actually is the overtaking action on the road.
So, what is OVERTAKING?
            Overtaking actually is the action of the involvement of one vehicle who wish to past or overtake the slower moving. The overtaking action happens for the two vehicles that travel in the same direction. So, I think is important to share out about the rule and regulation of overtaking on the road to you all. It will able to ensure all of us drive in the safe condition.
Rules and Regulations of OVERTAKING
Road sign of showing prohibited overtaking area
       When overtaking for another vehicle, you must make sure the area does not have the road sign that showed in above. If you found the road sign, it means that this area is not allowed for the overtaking. As I mentioned before, overtaking is happen on the two moving vehicle who travel in the same direction. So before overtaking, you must make sure about the condition on the opposite road. Double check is it there is any vehicle travel with a faster speed at the opposite road. If YES, do not try to overtake, be patient and wait until the opposite is clear and safe for overtaking. Another important thing is REMEMBER to activate for the signal or indicators before we want to overtake. The function of the signal will able to let the other vehicle to know about the direction that you wish to travel and it will ensure the safety of when travel in the road.
Guidelines of overtaking
You are NOT ALLOWED for overtaking:
            You cannot overtake when you are almost reaching the summit of a bridge. It is because you cannot make sure is it any vehicle is coming from opposite side. Another thing is do not overtake when you are in the curve of the road. Same with the first one, it is hard for us to know the condition of the opposite road. When you are driving under the low visibility area, please slow down your speed and do not try to overtake. It is a dangerous action which may affect your life.

            When there are another vehicle try to overtaking your vehicle, you should slow down your speed and move to the left side in order to let the vehicle for overtake for your vehicle. Do not try to speed up your vehicle when you are overtaking by other, if will cause a serious accident. If you saw a vehicle stop stationary in front of you, please reduce your speed and always be careful try to get a far distance for that vehicle to avoid crash with the people who come out from the vehicle. 

In conclusion, I hope every road user can be patient when traveling in the road. This is not a game, it is about our life, do not try to make the people who love you be sad and worry.
Promise Me, Be Careful Be Home

Chia Xing Zhe
Sponsorship Department
14 WHR 09907

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