Thursday, July 23, 2015

Road Accidents caused by Human Error

Road accident is most unwanted thing to happen to a road user, though they happen quite often. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistakes on road. Most of the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads but it is only the laxity on part of road users, which cause accidents and crashes. Human behavior however, identified as a leading cause of accidents, is harder to manage. Everyone should be aware of the human factors that can contribute to an accident.


Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is often defined as the driver does not follow the rules of the road. This will cause accidents and other damages. With this action, reckless drivers put themselves and other victims who are innocence at risk.  Speeding is not the only issue that causes reckless driving; an extremely high rate of speed might lead someone to be charged as reckless driving. 

Teenage drivers, who are just having their driving licenses and starting to get a feel for the road engage in reckless driving behavior to impress their friends and test their limits.  Teens want to be “cool” and part of the group, and they test their limits.  Many times, this action causes accidents.


Teenage Drivers

Newly licensed teenage drivers in their first year on the road are also the most likely to be in a car accident.  They have no experience on driving. Among teen drivers, males are the most likely to cause a car accident.  They are more likely to drink, speed and not wear their seat belt compared to their female drivers.

Teenage drivers always underestimate the dangerous situations or they are not able to recognize them. They like to drive after drink, speeding to challenge their friends. Teenage drivers are also the age group most likely not to wear a seat belt, which make their injuries and death become worst.


Running Red

More and more red lights have been appearing at intersections because there are much accident happened at these areas.  Red lights help to ease the traffic flows and decrease the chances of having traffic jams.

Unfortunately, red lights do not ease traffic jams enough for those drivers who are in a hurry.  Most of the time, people speeds through an intersection well after the light has turned red.  Yellow light is no more giving the meaning of “ready to stop”. People think that time is more important that other drivers’ safety and this has led to the increases of car accident statistics due to running red lights.

Another group of red light runners are drivers who are distracted by other things such as their hand phones, the environment outside the car and etc. These affect them to not paying attention to the road.  Driver distractions are an even larger problem that is not merely limited to running red lights


Running Stop sign

Drivers often feel safe when approaching a stop sign, but you are not safe in an intersection when another car driver runs a stop sign.  Stop sign running is often caused by impatience.  People that run stop signs are often in a hurry or just merely assume that no one is coming as they blow through an intersection. They might think that stop their car are very inconvenient to them.  Often these distracted drivers or reckless drivers also run red lights and cause many other assorted horrors on the road.  One way or another, car accidents caused by drivers that ran a stop sign need to stop.


Now, think about your own driving. Are you really a good driver?


Ooi Jou Ee
14 WHR 08695
Publicity Department

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