Thursday, July 23, 2015

Causes make you involve in an accident!

Today, Promise Me want to share some factors that you do while driving will cause you involve in accidents to all readers J. There are a lot of causes may lead you involve in a car accident. However, today only discuss three causes which are uses of mobile while driving, do not wear seat-belt while driving and speeding. By doing these all things will cause someone involve into an accident. 

Uses of mobile while driving


Did you know how dangerous if someone uses mobile while driving? The minute you see your phone, the chances you lost your life is higher!
Nowadays, everyone has smartphone or mobile phone. Mobile phone has becomes an important role in people daily life. Thus, people at anytime, anywhere also will bring along their mobile phone to call, text or even access internet to socialize with their friends and family.
Moreover, a lot of people like to calling or texting while driving. Many people are does not knows the dangerous toward themselves. As our opinion, we realize many youth they have a habit which is playing their mobile phone while driving. For example, while waiting the traffic light turn green, they will play game on their phone or access to social networking such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and so on. It will become one of the cause make them involve in an accident. This is because the driver did not pay full attention on driving. 

Do not wear seat-belt while driving

(Source: )

In Malaysia, many drivers do not like to wear seat-belt. Especially youth, they are dislike to wear seat-belt while driving. Did you know a seat-belt can save a life in a car accident? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States because drivers and their passengers were wearing seat-belts when they were in accidents. If driver do not wear seat-belt while driving will easily involve in accident. So, please start from now remembers to wear your seat-belt before driving. It just a simple action can save your life!



In addition, speeding drivers can be one of the causes that make a lot of auto accidents. The faster a car driver speeds, the less time you have to react — not to mention the increase in forces on the human body in a collision at high speeds. For example in highway, you’ve seen many drivers ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you need to prevent an auto accident. 

Do not think it just a simple action or small things but you do not know how it may affect your whole life. Sometime may because your careless make your lifetime regret. For example, road is a tiger mouth, the drivers need to pay 100% concentrate while driving just can prevent themselves involves in accidents.

Come to visit Promise Me organized by TARUC Bachelor of Public Relations Year Three students on 29,30,31 July 2015 at Canteen 2 Foyer and Concourse to know more road safety tips to prevent yourself involve in accidentsJ

Please always remember: Promise Me, Be Careful Be Home

Tang Shue Er 
14WHR 10326
Publicity Department

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