Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cause of car accident - Potholes, Fog, Rain and deadly curves

Today, the cause of effect accident happen we are going to share will be the cause by potholes, fog, rain and deadly curves. Accident not only happen that cause by careless among people but weather and road condition do so.
1. Potholes
Potholes is one of the top cause of car accident. But first, let us define what is potholes? 
It was started by a bowl shape in the road which can be up to 10 inches deep where it made by the wear&tear as well weathering of the roads.
Once the pothole form, it can damaged your car and let your car lost control end up there are some unexpected appointment will happen and of course the auto mechanic. Moreover, if the potholes deep enough, it will also cause an impact similar to that of a 35-mph car accident.
Not forget to mention that potholes is not only affect those readers who are driving but the readers who are riding motorcycle also have to aware about it.
Motorcycle drivers are at special risk of injury if they ride over a pothole due  the condition in having just two wheels on the ground and also the distance between motorcycles and ground are lower weight than cars, motorcycles are ill-equipped to handle potholes.

2. Fog
Fog is one of the bad weather condition that reduce a driver's visibility, distorts perception as well as limits contrast. Basically, when drivers facing the cause by fog, they will lost their ability to see other car and objects on the road. 
At the same time, you might also misjudge the distance on the road.  people often instinctively judge that blurry objects are further away than clear ones.  With fog reducing contrast and clouding your viewpoint, you are more likely to misjudge just how far away another car or stationary object is, making car accidents far more likely. Therefore drives must be very caution and be careful when driving.

3. Rain
Rain has been caused a lot of car accidents happen in Malaysia. when raining, drivers will more hardly to drive on the road whether they want to stop or avoid colliding with other vehicles as the road will become slippery at the beginning of a rainstorm. When the road first gets wet, oil rises to the surface and end up it will creates a greasy surface, therefore If you can’t stop your car in time, that’s when accidents happen. 
In the same time, in such bad weather, it actually also will decrease driver's visibility as same as when driver facing the cause of fog. When raining heavily, driver usually difficult to see other cars around them. This problem might happen car accident, and when the rain is combine with dirty water which kicked up from the road by other drivers, windshields can quickly become dirty end up the chance to get car accident is getting increase more and more.
That is why it is always important to make sure that your car has functional windshield wipers.

Deadly curves also referred as "Dead-man's curves" where it is a dangerous roadway curves cause a lot of car accidents. These types of car accidents are usually fatal or cause serious injuries. the causes Deadly curve-caused car accidents are often the result of speeding or inattentive driving.  Driving at high speeds and not realizing the severity of a turn can cause drivers to lose control of their cars, leave the road and slam into a barrier or tree.  A drunk driver is also at risk when approaching a deadly curve.

As a conclusion in, we cannot neglected or ignore those issue like road condition such as what we mentioned an above, potholes as this also might cause an accident or serious injured to you yourself. On the other hand, government should do some action on this like repair the road to make it complete. 
Beside that, the weather condition also another serious issue where such as rain or fog. In this matter, drivers only can do is try to be more attention and drive slow as same as deadly curves which drivers also have to be drive slow and be aware when infront have corner.
Readers can find more cause and effect of car accident through this website.

Foo Zhao Xi, 
Publicity&Promotion Department

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