Saturday, July 18, 2015

Do Not Drink & Drink

Victim of Drunken Driving Accident Treated His Therapy Sessions Like Football Practice

A real story started with a repeat drunk driver lost control of his car and crashed into Steven Benvenisti while he was walking with his friends.
His legs were crushed, his face smashed through the windshield and his body was thrown 70 feet.
His prognosis was poor as he lay in a coma.
Upon a miraculous survival and complete recovery, he is fulfilling his promise that he would devote his life towards ending drunk driving and help those dealing with brain injury.
He is most successfully carrying out his life's work and purpose.
As an attorney, he represents DWI, brain and personal injury victims.
He's a motivational speaker and author of the book,Spring Break: A True Story of Hope and Determination. His Contract for Life between students and parents has effected positive change in the drinking and driving behaviors of teens.
What personal qualities have helped you carry on and move in a positive direction?
I would have to say my self-determination.
Upon awakening from my coma (after my accident) and realizing everything that had been taken away from me because of a drunk driver, all I could think about was how great my life had previously been and how sad it was that my life would never be the same again. I was living with horrendous pain, my memory and cognitive abilities were significantly compromised and it was unknown if I would ever walk again. During those times I reflected on my past.
I decided to treat my physical and cognitive therapy sessions like football practice. Many of my therapists shared with me that they had never seen a patient more determined to improve than me. It was that determination that drove me to my full recovery.

We should don't drink and drive. Beside that , we will never know what will happen the next second.
I suggest that should a
rrange alternate transportation like sit friend 's car or take teksi back home is better choice after drink. 
Drive after drink will cause : 
Driving on the wrong side of the road
Responding slowly to traffic signals
Almost striking an object or vehicle
Making wide turns

- Promise me, Be careful Be Home -
-Yeng Meng Soon-
-Security Team-

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