Thursday, July 30, 2015

Public Talk 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign 29th July 2015

'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign are very glad to have our tie-in government for having public talk for our students regarding to Road Safety on the first day of our campaign. 

Photo shown above is our host for public talk, Encik Hesan Bin Zainal Abidin from Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) are giving out informational talk which highlight the attitude of road users in Malaysia. 

During the talk, he also show us the real footage of road accidents in Malaysia as well as other countries to show us the impact of road accidents in Malaysia. He also show the statistic of road safety to all the audience and also calling us to always be safe on the road. 

Lastly, he end his talk by showing us some educational video from Allianz and remind us again about saving life and be safe on the road no matter where you go.

Yee Xin Jie
Leader of 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Launching Ceremony of 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign'

Photo 1: YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC is giving speech regarding about the launching ceremony of 'Promise Me - Road Safety Camapign'.

Finally today has come! It is the day of launching ceremony for 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign'. Firstly, YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC is giving speech regarding about 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign' and not to forget about the other two campaign which is 'ALLways Safe Camapign' that their campaign has past last week and also 'Invisible Trace Campaign' which is on-going right now at TARUC Canteen 1 Foyer.

Photo 2: Mohamad Nor Hishammudin Bin Mohamad Zin from JKJR is giving his speech.

Mohamad Nor Hishammudin Bin Mohamad Zin from JKJR is giving his speech where he talks about the road accidents increased every year and he also emphasizes that he likes the 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign' concept where the message that 'Promise Me' are trying to deliver is 'Be Careful, Be Home' which is the slogan. This message are trying to tell the audiences that drive safely on the road and follow the rules and regulations so that you will be able to reach your destination safely as well.

 Photo 3: YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC, Mohamad Nor Hishammudin Bin Mohamad Zin from JKJR and Anna-Lena Brosell from sponsor Allianz is clapping their hands when the 'RC' Car safely reach the house.

YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC are controlling the 'RC' Car where he drives it safely on the lane and also park the car nicely in front of the house which shows he get the back house safely and that's is our launching ceremony!
 Photo 4: YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC, Mohamad Nor Hishammudin Bin Mohamad Zin from JKJR and Anna-Lena Brosell from sponsor Allianz receives their token of appreciation from 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign'.

At the end of the session of launching ceremony, YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC present a token of appreciation to Mohamad Nor Hishammudin Bin Mohamad Zin from JKJR and Anna-Lena Brosell from sponsor Allianz. The leader of 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign' also present a token of appreciation to YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok, President of TARUC too!

Come and join us now at TARUC, Canteen 2. We will be here from 29th - 31st of July 2015, at 9am - 5pm.

Lum Kar Mei
Exhibition Department 
Weather session cause the Road Accidents!!!

Most of the drivers understand that weather changes can affect driving conditions to a significant extent. The weather changes can be cloudy day, sunny day and rainy day.

As drivers we know that the changes of weather can quickly raise the odds of being involved in a bad roadway collision. Changes of weather can cause the road accidents happen and even lead them life-threatening. The road accidents will happens due to severe weather and even perfectly sunny day. The road accidents happen in sunny day was caused by a negligent driver.

Some tips for prevention of road accidents cause by weather:
1)  Drive slow to the extent that you are comfortable with, and can see far enough in front of you to appropriately make driving decisions.

2) Keep a safety distance from the car in front of you at least minimum of a good five car length. So that, you would not easily crush with the car in front of you. 

3)       Avoid flooded roads. Never drive through standing or flowing water in a road way. The depth of water might cause your car out of control.

4)       Turn on your headlights. This will make it easier for you to see what is in front of you and thus will preventing any accidents.

5) Do not brake suddenly. Allow yourself have enough time and space to handle a sudden emergency and ensure stop safely.

It is our wish that ensure all the road users can be careful while using road. The better way we able to prevent and reduce the road accidents are gain more the road safety awareness and tips. Lastly, to remind all the road users do not only think you, also need think about others.
Promise Me. Be careful, Be Home.

Lim Chia Yee (14WHR10948)
Exhibition Department
'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Driving safety tips

This article will introduce on what we should not do while driving or using the road. These are the very important issues which always tend to ignore by people especially young people.
Image result for no drunk driving
First, as a driver, we should not drink alcohol before driving, you should ask someone to pick you up if you want to drink alcohol at outside. A driver is considered to be driving under the influence of alcohol in Malaysia if the blood/alcohol level is equal to or over 0.8 grams per litre (g/l). The penalty for the offender can be a fine, a court case, and sentencing with a fine and imprisonment of three months to a year depending on the severity of the offence. 

Hang Up While DrivingSecond, do not text or talking on a phone while driving. If it is necessary to answer a phone call, you should prepare hands free - talk device to prevent yourself holding the phone. Nowadays, because of the existing of smartphone, most of the people will use phone when waiting in the traffic light, stuck in the traffic jam or they think that there is needed to reply on the message immediately. Using on the phone could distract the attention of driver easily most of the time, so we should put our phone aside and be focus while driving on the road.

Third, avoid speeding and driving through a red light even you are hastening on to the destination. You should manage your time very well and drive within the limit of speeds especially driving in the inclement weather condition. This attitude will not only endanger on your life but also the innocent people which is also one of the road users. Besides, we should also learn ready to stop at yellow which mean when the traffic light is turning from yellow to red, we should drive slow instead of speeding in order driving through before it turning red.   

Lastly, we should avoid ourselves in a drowsy driving mood because that is so much dangerous when you feeling sleepy while driving. We should rest more and sleep well before that day you driving in long haul. You can stop at roadside to take a nap when you feeling sleepy while driving or have a cup of coffee in the nearby restaurant or rest stops to reduce your fatigue.     

So, please change your bad habit now before you become one of the victims of car accident.

(Leong Sok Yan - 14WHR09356)
Exhibition department 

Driving on highways and unfamiliar places

Highway driving

Source: Google image
·     Give your full attention to the road.
Avoid distractions such as using smart phones, eating, adjust audio system, trying to reach for something that’s fallen on the floor. You’ll probably slow down and not aware of the road condition when you get distracted.
Source: Google image
·     Keep distance with the vehicle in front you.
Don’t follow another vehicle too closely, maintain at least a distance of 3 seconds, especially when there is a heavy duty vehicle (e.g.: truck, bus). This distance can minimize the possibility of collision, and avoid you involving in a road accident.

Source: Google image

·     Give signal when you want to change lane.
Observe vehicles around and ensure that the distance is safe. When there is any heavy duty vehicle, give signals or honk in case they couldn’t see you, the truck or bus both have a very loud noise when operating.
Source: Google image

Driving in unfamiliar areas

Source: Google image
      Avoid distractions
Same as highway driving, pay full attention while driving so that you don’t miss turns, hit obstacles and be aware of road signs. In the case of getting lost, don’t be panic. Stop your vehicle at a safe place and look at your map. If needed, seek help from local people.

Source: Halton Region
      Do Research
Get to know the place you are going before you depart. Find out any landmarks or significant building in the particular area. It will be easier to get directions and lower the chances of getting lost.
Source: Google image

·     Use Global Positioning System (GPS)
Utilize your smart phone, install GPS apps in it. If you don’t have a GPS, bring along a latest map of that area.
Source: Google image
In conclusion, a full focus while driving is extremely important for road safety of oneself and others, especially on highways and unfamiliar places. Apart from vehicle problem, many cases of road accidents happened because of distracted driving. Let's make a pledge, say no to distracted driving!

Promise me. Be careful, be home.

by, Ng Mei Poh 14WHR10579, Exhibition Department

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Are You Aware? Promise Me's Volunteer Cops Are Issuing "Summons" to Reckless Drivers.

Photo 1: The 'Promise Me' committees dressed as volunteer cops in uni-college compound to issue "summons" to reckless drives to increase road safety consciousness.

Sadly to highlight that, an alarming figure of road fatality rates and accident rate are increasing every year. In this context, have you ever realized that most of the tragic accidents were involving the students from different branches of Tunku Abdul Rahman College?

Due to this issue, it has certainly triggered us to enhance the road safety awareness among road users. 

With the collaboration of Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR), Year 3 Students from Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC)is organizing a Road Safety Campaign entitled 'Promise Me' with the slogan of 'Be Careful, Be Home'The overall concept of 'Promise Me' Campaign is to remind students to 'Come Home Safe' as families are always waiting for them to be home safely.

In this state of affairs, the first step that we take to promote 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign is to dress as volunteer cops and issue "summons" to all reckless drivers. For instance, those who call while driving, do not put on seat belts and any other offences. 

Photo 2: "Summon" has been issued to the reckless driver who violate the rules and regulation of road safety.

In fact, this action is to create awareness of road safety among students in TAR UC. Meanwhile, provide them a free lesson that whenever you are, must always remember to 'Be Careful, Be Home'; even in college as well. Additionally, we want them to bear in mind that do not ever try to danger their life with driving. They might regret if they do so! 

Photo 2:  Call and text while driving may just end your life in second. 

To learn more about road safety, you are welcomed to join 'Promise Me' Campaign! Please refer to the campaign detail appended below:

There are many exciting activities and exhibition during these three days event includes a multiplayer Remote Controlled Car game to test how well road users can “race” their car and be home safely, a 7 x 9 foot high Wire Hoop to test the level of patience of road users while driving, a quiz, a mini theater and many other interesting activities awaiting you! 

Join us & see you there!^^

Chong Ching Guey (14WHR10627)
Secretary/Media Team
'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Friday, July 24, 2015

Animal Crossing and Tire Blowouts Cause Car Accidents

Car accidents are common in Malaysia. We have decided to publish few reasons why people are involved in a car accident, to educate people about these issues. Being involved in an automobile accident can have serious consequences. Drivers are sometimes left with devastating injuries requiring extensive medical treatment or suffer fatal injuries. Keep these reasons in mind the next time you are on the road, it may help you avoid an accident.

1) Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing Causes Car Accident

It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take their life away. We should treasure them as a God creation. Life is life--whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat and a man.
The whole case for behaving decently to animals rests on the fact that we are the superior species. We are the species uniquely capable of imagination, rationality, and moral choice. That is precisely why we are under an obligation to recognize and respect the rights of animals. Thus, drive safe to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

May all that have life be delivered from suffering. ---Buddha

There are 5 EASY Tips to Avoid Hitting the Animal:

1.  Try to avoid hitting the animal. While this is obvious, you should know that while hitting the animal could kill it, you are also in danger.  

2.  Slow down as much as you possibly can as you approach it. This will give the animal an extra moment to hopefully leave the road and lessen the resulting car accident.

3.  Remain in the same lane. This is how people get into car accidents with other cars.  You must be careful not to make a bad situation worse.

4.  Never touch an animal after the accident. A frightened or wounded animal can be extremely dangerous.  You should contact police if the animal is dead or unable to move from the roadway.

5. Be aware of animal crossing in rural and mountainous streets. Always slow down speeds while driving at curved mountain road.  Motorcyclist should always wear proper safety gear to as to decrease the chances on serious injuries.

2) Tire Blowouts
Learn about how to handle Tire Blowouts.

What Causes Tire Blowouts That Create Car Accidents?
  •  Potholes
  •  Large cut that causes rapid air loss.
  • Small puncture to the wheel that allows air loss slowly over time until the tire pressure fails.
  • Overloading the car causes the tire to give way.
Here are some tips, from experienced car accident lawyers, to help you safely survive a blowout:

1. Prepare ahead of time.
2. Continue your rate of speed immediately after the blowout.
3. Gently counter-steer to offset pulling by the blown tire.
4. Once the car stabilizes, begin to slow down and carefully pull over to the side of the road.
5. Always drive a safe distance behind the car or truck ahead of you.

Thus, driving a quality car could help minimize road accidents to an extent. Drivers should have regular car and Tyre check-up to avoid car accidents happen anywhere and anytime. A tiny little action could save you and your families live.

In a nut shell, majority of the car accidents begin from the driver themselves. Every road users should be more responsible and be careful while driving vehicles. All people must behave in a good driving manner and attitude so that the rate of accidents happen every year can be decrease because it is so sad to see many tears flowing especially losing their loved one in an accident. So remember, keep you promise to your loves one as you can go home safely.

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
- Promise me, Be careful Be Home -

14 WHR 11314

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Road Accidents caused by Human Error

Road accident is most unwanted thing to happen to a road user, though they happen quite often. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistakes on road. Most of the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads but it is only the laxity on part of road users, which cause accidents and crashes. Human behavior however, identified as a leading cause of accidents, is harder to manage. Everyone should be aware of the human factors that can contribute to an accident.


Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is often defined as the driver does not follow the rules of the road. This will cause accidents and other damages. With this action, reckless drivers put themselves and other victims who are innocence at risk.  Speeding is not the only issue that causes reckless driving; an extremely high rate of speed might lead someone to be charged as reckless driving. 

Teenage drivers, who are just having their driving licenses and starting to get a feel for the road engage in reckless driving behavior to impress their friends and test their limits.  Teens want to be “cool” and part of the group, and they test their limits.  Many times, this action causes accidents.


Teenage Drivers

Newly licensed teenage drivers in their first year on the road are also the most likely to be in a car accident.  They have no experience on driving. Among teen drivers, males are the most likely to cause a car accident.  They are more likely to drink, speed and not wear their seat belt compared to their female drivers.

Teenage drivers always underestimate the dangerous situations or they are not able to recognize them. They like to drive after drink, speeding to challenge their friends. Teenage drivers are also the age group most likely not to wear a seat belt, which make their injuries and death become worst.


Running Red

More and more red lights have been appearing at intersections because there are much accident happened at these areas.  Red lights help to ease the traffic flows and decrease the chances of having traffic jams.

Unfortunately, red lights do not ease traffic jams enough for those drivers who are in a hurry.  Most of the time, people speeds through an intersection well after the light has turned red.  Yellow light is no more giving the meaning of “ready to stop”. People think that time is more important that other drivers’ safety and this has led to the increases of car accident statistics due to running red lights.

Another group of red light runners are drivers who are distracted by other things such as their hand phones, the environment outside the car and etc. These affect them to not paying attention to the road.  Driver distractions are an even larger problem that is not merely limited to running red lights


Running Stop sign

Drivers often feel safe when approaching a stop sign, but you are not safe in an intersection when another car driver runs a stop sign.  Stop sign running is often caused by impatience.  People that run stop signs are often in a hurry or just merely assume that no one is coming as they blow through an intersection. They might think that stop their car are very inconvenient to them.  Often these distracted drivers or reckless drivers also run red lights and cause many other assorted horrors on the road.  One way or another, car accidents caused by drivers that ran a stop sign need to stop.


Now, think about your own driving. Are you really a good driver?


Ooi Jou Ee
14 WHR 08695
Publicity Department

Causes make you involve in an accident!

Today, Promise Me want to share some factors that you do while driving will cause you involve in accidents to all readers J. There are a lot of causes may lead you involve in a car accident. However, today only discuss three causes which are uses of mobile while driving, do not wear seat-belt while driving and speeding. By doing these all things will cause someone involve into an accident. 

Uses of mobile while driving


Did you know how dangerous if someone uses mobile while driving? The minute you see your phone, the chances you lost your life is higher!
Nowadays, everyone has smartphone or mobile phone. Mobile phone has becomes an important role in people daily life. Thus, people at anytime, anywhere also will bring along their mobile phone to call, text or even access internet to socialize with their friends and family.
Moreover, a lot of people like to calling or texting while driving. Many people are does not knows the dangerous toward themselves. As our opinion, we realize many youth they have a habit which is playing their mobile phone while driving. For example, while waiting the traffic light turn green, they will play game on their phone or access to social networking such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and so on. It will become one of the cause make them involve in an accident. This is because the driver did not pay full attention on driving. 

Do not wear seat-belt while driving

(Source: )

In Malaysia, many drivers do not like to wear seat-belt. Especially youth, they are dislike to wear seat-belt while driving. Did you know a seat-belt can save a life in a car accident? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States because drivers and their passengers were wearing seat-belts when they were in accidents. If driver do not wear seat-belt while driving will easily involve in accident. So, please start from now remembers to wear your seat-belt before driving. It just a simple action can save your life!



In addition, speeding drivers can be one of the causes that make a lot of auto accidents. The faster a car driver speeds, the less time you have to react — not to mention the increase in forces on the human body in a collision at high speeds. For example in highway, you’ve seen many drivers ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you need to prevent an auto accident. 

Do not think it just a simple action or small things but you do not know how it may affect your whole life. Sometime may because your careless make your lifetime regret. For example, road is a tiger mouth, the drivers need to pay 100% concentrate while driving just can prevent themselves involves in accidents.

Come to visit Promise Me organized by TARUC Bachelor of Public Relations Year Three students on 29,30,31 July 2015 at Canteen 2 Foyer and Concourse to know more road safety tips to prevent yourself involve in accidentsJ

Please always remember: Promise Me, Be Careful Be Home

Tang Shue Er 
14WHR 10326
Publicity Department