Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Your Turn To Take A U TURN" Exhibition Booth

Photo 1: The outlook of "Your Turn To Take a U-Turn" Exhibition booth.

A special exhibition booth, called "Your Turn to Take A U-Turn," was prepared by the members of the Promise Me Road Safety Campaign. In the exhibition booth, we had provided information about road accidents. There were two concepts in the exhibition booth, 'Fear' and 'Warm'. 

Photo 2: Fear concept of the exhibition booth.
For the Fear concept, a storyboard was used to show the causes of car accidents, the effects of car accidents and also the bad experiences of the car drivers.
Photo 3: Warm concept of the exhibition booth.
As for the Warm concept, another storyboard was used to show the actions during the car accidents and driving safety tips (preventions and actions).
Photo 4: The member of exhibition department was explaining the causes of car accident.

Besides that, there were two storyboards for each concept which was created by the members of Promise Me Road Safety Campaign. 

The storyboards talked about a man, who was called Jack, driving back home after office hour with a fast speed, he received phone call and accepted it without the use of handsfree devices, and drove without put on the seatbelt. His wife, Mary had tried to called him afterwards but he did not pick up the call. After few moments passed, Mary received a call from the hospital and she was being told that her husband was involved into a car accident. He was found to be seriously injured and he was lucky to survive the car crash.

One month later, Jack had completed his recovery from the injury. Jack is still driving as well but he has started following the rules and regulations. His wish from then onwards was to reach home safely and see his precious ones. 

The message of the storyboards is to tell the readers to "Come Home Safe". The team wished that everyone can drive safer so that everyone can return to their humble home and see their loved ones.

Photo 6: The students were stopped by the interesting videos. 

Mah Zoeyi
Exhibition department

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