Monday, August 10, 2015

Closing Ceremony of 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign'

Photo 1: Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, one of the Programme Leader of Public Relations, gave a speech during the closing ceremony of "Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign".

Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign had officially ended on last Friday, 31st July 2015. Throughout the variety activities that had been brought out during the campaign, we ensure that there are a lot of audiences have received our messages successfully! The closing ceremony was being carried out successfully with all the VIPs - Ms Lim Siz Siz, Programme Leader of Public Relations; Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations; Ms Samantha Le Simon, Advisor and the sponsors of D Marc Management Sdn Bhd; Ms Ng Siew Gek, VIP from Allianz Malaysia and Ms Malathy Krishnan, VIP from Allianz Malaysia to get along to witness the closing ceremony.

Before launching the closing ceremony, Allianz Malaysia VIPs visited around our booth first in order to explore more on our road safety information. The photo above showed Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan registered at the registration booth before they started tour around our Road Safety Campaign. 

One of the members from Road Safety Campaign, Alex Tan and campaign leader, Victor Yee had accompanied by Allianz VIPs side explained and showed our road safety campaign activities to them. Alex Tan was explaining how the stamp system ran in our campaign and he was also explaining how audiences normally could collected the stamps.

Alex Tan was explaining the "Wire Loop" activity to Allianz Malaysia VIPs. In this wire loop activity, audiences were require to guide a metal loop along a serpentine length of wire without actually touching the loop of the wire. This activity actually wanted to send a message across to audiences the feeling of being drunk as in unconscious mind while driving can lead to any unexpected accident.

While came to "Mind Feed Goggles" booth, Alex Tan was explaining the concept of this activity to Allianz Malaysia VIPs. While audiences were wearing the goggles and crossing over the tyres, they would felt dizzy and that was quite difficult for them to step into those tyres. This activity wanted to remind audiences not to drunk and drug driving as it will leads to horrible accidents.

While Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan visited exhibition booth, Exhibition Department's leader, Loh Li Nar had been assigned to explain the road safety information and deliver the road safety knowledge to them.

While Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan reading the storyline and bad experience of road accident shared by the victim's family.

The team of Road Safety Campaign gave Allianz Malaysia VIPs an applause to welcome them to our campaign closing ceremony as well as thanks them for sponsoring us. 

The closing ceremony started with the speech from our VIP, Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations. Mr Chuan carried his speech regarding to his feeling and thought toward Road Safety - Promise Me Campaign. Promise Me Campaign was being conducted successfully in pace with its three main objectives: To create awareness about Promise Me Road Safety Campaign among 2000 TARUC students; To educate TARUC students regarding the road's rules and regulations; To encourage TARUC students to change their attitude of using road. 

Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations received the token of appreciation from Promise Me Road Safety Campaign.  Mr Chuan also passed a helmet to Ms Ng Siew Gek, VIP from Allianz Malaysia. 

All the VIPs and campaign leader were taken photo together before the closing ceremony ended. 

Liew Hui Ying
Exhibition Department

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