Thursday, August 13, 2015

'Accident scene' in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

Greeting fellow readers,

On the event day, the committee of 'Promise Me' has prepare and plan an accident scene inside the campus. Students nowadays use to text and drive especially during traffic jam. They have nothing else  to do than scrolling checking or  update around the social media.While the purpose of having the accident scene inside the campus is to remind the people don't text and drive. And this is to create awareness among the students and attract them to take part on the activities. And together with the pledge board beside the accident scene is for students to sign as a pledge to promise us not to text and drive and of course not only texting, feel tired or drink and drive was the reason of causes accident.

 The accident scene shows the driver was texting. This accident scene is to bring the awareness of text while drive will causes accident and also it bring out our objective of creating awareness of the road safety.
Committee explaining the accident scene to the president of TARUC, meanwhile the our campaign leader are telling the survey that had conducted before the campaign and the result shows that most of the participant think that text and drive is one of the causes accident.
  The pledge board that prepared by 'Promise Me' committee during the campaign and approximately 150 students made the promise to drive safe and also not to text and drive.
A promise from one of the visitor.

-Wong Sie Hong-
Top Management- Assistant Leader

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