Saturday, August 1, 2015

Safety rules for cross walker

  • When we mention "ROAD SAFETY", you might just think of car drivers or bikers. Do you know that actually when you are walking on the road is also considered a road user? And do you know that road user is always facing road safety?
  • You might know alot about how to drive or how to ride safety on the road. How about walking safely on the road? Do you really know about that? Let's learn about this before it is too late!

  • Walk Facing Traffic: If there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the side of the road, remember to choose the side where you are facing the oncoming traffic. This gives you the best chance to see traffic approaching closest to you and take evasive action when needed.
  • Cross Safely: Look both ways before crossing any street! We bet most of you had learned about this phrase since we are young. At controlled intersections, it is wise to cross only when you have the pedestrian crossing light, but even then, drivers and bikers may have a green light to turn and won't be expecting you to be in the crosswalk. Make eye contact with any drivers who may be turning. Give them a wave as your 'signal light'. Make sure they see you. In a car-walker interaction, you can only lose.

  • Be Visible: Wear bright colors when walking in daytime. When walking at night, wear light-colored clothing so that drivers can see you. Drivers do not expect walkers walking on the road. Therefore, you need to give them every chance to see you, even at street crossings that have crossing signals. Be just as cautious at dawn or twilight, as drivers still have limited visibility or may even have the setting or rising sun directly in their eyes.

Using the overhead bridge to cross the road: Students who do not drive will have to take public transport. It will stop you in a certain bus station. If you want to cross to the other side of the road, do not try to cross the road even there is a traffic jam! You will never know that motor cyclist will knock you down and create a very great impact. 

Life moves pretty fast, so cars do. If you don't stop and look around once in a while. you could miss it. Promise me cross walker, be careful be home... 


Loh Li Nar 14WHR09906

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