Thursday, August 13, 2015

'Accident scene' in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

Greeting fellow readers,

On the event day, the committee of 'Promise Me' has prepare and plan an accident scene inside the campus. Students nowadays use to text and drive especially during traffic jam. They have nothing else  to do than scrolling checking or  update around the social media.While the purpose of having the accident scene inside the campus is to remind the people don't text and drive. And this is to create awareness among the students and attract them to take part on the activities. And together with the pledge board beside the accident scene is for students to sign as a pledge to promise us not to text and drive and of course not only texting, feel tired or drink and drive was the reason of causes accident.

 The accident scene shows the driver was texting. This accident scene is to bring the awareness of text while drive will causes accident and also it bring out our objective of creating awareness of the road safety.
Committee explaining the accident scene to the president of TARUC, meanwhile the our campaign leader are telling the survey that had conducted before the campaign and the result shows that most of the participant think that text and drive is one of the causes accident.
  The pledge board that prepared by 'Promise Me' committee during the campaign and approximately 150 students made the promise to drive safe and also not to text and drive.
A promise from one of the visitor.

-Wong Sie Hong-
Top Management- Assistant Leader

Monday, August 10, 2015

Closing Ceremony of 'Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign'

Photo 1: Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, one of the Programme Leader of Public Relations, gave a speech during the closing ceremony of "Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign".

Promise Me - Road Safety Campaign had officially ended on last Friday, 31st July 2015. Throughout the variety activities that had been brought out during the campaign, we ensure that there are a lot of audiences have received our messages successfully! The closing ceremony was being carried out successfully with all the VIPs - Ms Lim Siz Siz, Programme Leader of Public Relations; Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations; Ms Samantha Le Simon, Advisor and the sponsors of D Marc Management Sdn Bhd; Ms Ng Siew Gek, VIP from Allianz Malaysia and Ms Malathy Krishnan, VIP from Allianz Malaysia to get along to witness the closing ceremony.

Before launching the closing ceremony, Allianz Malaysia VIPs visited around our booth first in order to explore more on our road safety information. The photo above showed Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan registered at the registration booth before they started tour around our Road Safety Campaign. 

One of the members from Road Safety Campaign, Alex Tan and campaign leader, Victor Yee had accompanied by Allianz VIPs side explained and showed our road safety campaign activities to them. Alex Tan was explaining how the stamp system ran in our campaign and he was also explaining how audiences normally could collected the stamps.

Alex Tan was explaining the "Wire Loop" activity to Allianz Malaysia VIPs. In this wire loop activity, audiences were require to guide a metal loop along a serpentine length of wire without actually touching the loop of the wire. This activity actually wanted to send a message across to audiences the feeling of being drunk as in unconscious mind while driving can lead to any unexpected accident.

While came to "Mind Feed Goggles" booth, Alex Tan was explaining the concept of this activity to Allianz Malaysia VIPs. While audiences were wearing the goggles and crossing over the tyres, they would felt dizzy and that was quite difficult for them to step into those tyres. This activity wanted to remind audiences not to drunk and drug driving as it will leads to horrible accidents.

While Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan visited exhibition booth, Exhibition Department's leader, Loh Li Nar had been assigned to explain the road safety information and deliver the road safety knowledge to them.

While Ms Ng and Ms Malathy Krishnan reading the storyline and bad experience of road accident shared by the victim's family.

The team of Road Safety Campaign gave Allianz Malaysia VIPs an applause to welcome them to our campaign closing ceremony as well as thanks them for sponsoring us. 

The closing ceremony started with the speech from our VIP, Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations. Mr Chuan carried his speech regarding to his feeling and thought toward Road Safety - Promise Me Campaign. Promise Me Campaign was being conducted successfully in pace with its three main objectives: To create awareness about Promise Me Road Safety Campaign among 2000 TARUC students; To educate TARUC students regarding the road's rules and regulations; To encourage TARUC students to change their attitude of using road. 

Mr Chuan Tek Pheung, Programme Leader of Public Relations received the token of appreciation from Promise Me Road Safety Campaign.  Mr Chuan also passed a helmet to Ms Ng Siew Gek, VIP from Allianz Malaysia. 

All the VIPs and campaign leader were taken photo together before the closing ceremony ended. 

Liew Hui Ying
Exhibition Department

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Your Turn To Take A U TURN" Exhibition Booth

Photo 1: The outlook of "Your Turn To Take a U-Turn" Exhibition booth.

A special exhibition booth, called "Your Turn to Take A U-Turn," was prepared by the members of the Promise Me Road Safety Campaign. In the exhibition booth, we had provided information about road accidents. There were two concepts in the exhibition booth, 'Fear' and 'Warm'. 

Photo 2: Fear concept of the exhibition booth.
For the Fear concept, a storyboard was used to show the causes of car accidents, the effects of car accidents and also the bad experiences of the car drivers.
Photo 3: Warm concept of the exhibition booth.
As for the Warm concept, another storyboard was used to show the actions during the car accidents and driving safety tips (preventions and actions).
Photo 4: The member of exhibition department was explaining the causes of car accident.

Besides that, there were two storyboards for each concept which was created by the members of Promise Me Road Safety Campaign. 

The storyboards talked about a man, who was called Jack, driving back home after office hour with a fast speed, he received phone call and accepted it without the use of handsfree devices, and drove without put on the seatbelt. His wife, Mary had tried to called him afterwards but he did not pick up the call. After few moments passed, Mary received a call from the hospital and she was being told that her husband was involved into a car accident. He was found to be seriously injured and he was lucky to survive the car crash.

One month later, Jack had completed his recovery from the injury. Jack is still driving as well but he has started following the rules and regulations. His wish from then onwards was to reach home safely and see his precious ones. 

The message of the storyboards is to tell the readers to "Come Home Safe". The team wished that everyone can drive safer so that everyone can return to their humble home and see their loved ones.

Photo 6: The students were stopped by the interesting videos. 

Mah Zoeyi
Exhibition department

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Safety rules for cross walker

  • When we mention "ROAD SAFETY", you might just think of car drivers or bikers. Do you know that actually when you are walking on the road is also considered a road user? And do you know that road user is always facing road safety?
  • You might know alot about how to drive or how to ride safety on the road. How about walking safely on the road? Do you really know about that? Let's learn about this before it is too late!

  • Walk Facing Traffic: If there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the side of the road, remember to choose the side where you are facing the oncoming traffic. This gives you the best chance to see traffic approaching closest to you and take evasive action when needed.
  • Cross Safely: Look both ways before crossing any street! We bet most of you had learned about this phrase since we are young. At controlled intersections, it is wise to cross only when you have the pedestrian crossing light, but even then, drivers and bikers may have a green light to turn and won't be expecting you to be in the crosswalk. Make eye contact with any drivers who may be turning. Give them a wave as your 'signal light'. Make sure they see you. In a car-walker interaction, you can only lose.

  • Be Visible: Wear bright colors when walking in daytime. When walking at night, wear light-colored clothing so that drivers can see you. Drivers do not expect walkers walking on the road. Therefore, you need to give them every chance to see you, even at street crossings that have crossing signals. Be just as cautious at dawn or twilight, as drivers still have limited visibility or may even have the setting or rising sun directly in their eyes.

Using the overhead bridge to cross the road: Students who do not drive will have to take public transport. It will stop you in a certain bus station. If you want to cross to the other side of the road, do not try to cross the road even there is a traffic jam! You will never know that motor cyclist will knock you down and create a very great impact. 

Life moves pretty fast, so cars do. If you don't stop and look around once in a while. you could miss it. Promise me cross walker, be careful be home... 


Loh Li Nar 14WHR09906

Remote Control (RC) Car is here!!!

Welcome to our 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign
And today we are now looking at our RC car! The major highlights, the most anticipated activities ever!

Our RC car which consists of buildings, stalls, facilities and road sign for our participants to complete. Now remember, this time, it's not just about FAST!

This activity is bring the message of asking people to be home safety, with concentrating, and following the road sign to reach their home. Of course, our participants are trying so hard to compete to each another, at the end of the day, they both learnt a lesson, and to be serious on the road in the future.

Yee Xin Jie
Leader of 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign

Quiz (Be Smart)

Hello fellow Road Users, you are now at 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign Official blog!

One of our interesting activities will be the Quiz which is to test our participant the general knowledge of road sign

Without wasting time, let the photo speaks

Wire Loop (Be Patience)

Ladies and gentleman, let me present to you one of our favourite activities which is the Wire Loop game!
What so special about is that the wire loop is actually made of steel (obviously), and with the design of heartbeat on the electric heartbeat scale.
Our activities team come out of this brilliant idea and make it possible by our iron master in kepong.
Here are samples of photo during our on ground event

The overall design of the wire loop!
 We got our staff to try out the wire loop

Our participant can't wait to hands on the wire loop

Last but not least, this wire loop is actually bringing out the message that to be safe on the road, testing your patience while you playing and also keeping you from distracting while you are driving. Through this, our participants will know what should be focus while they are driving.

Yee Xin Jie
Leader of 'Promise Me' Road Safety Campaign