Monday, June 29, 2015

Statistic of Car Accident in Malaysia

Do you know? Malaysia is among the top 25 most dangerous countries for road users, with 30 fatalities per 100,000 individuals, according to research by the University of Michigan. Each of us have the possibility of getting in a road accident if we didn't drive safely. 

Also, conducted by the university’s Transportation Research Institute using 2008 World Health Organisation (WHO) data on 193 countries, the February 2014 research lists Malaysia as 17th most dangerous for drivers. We think that none of us would like to be addressed as a dangerous driver. It just does not sounds right as a dangerous driver is the one that neglect own life and other road users' life. 

According to the police, Selangor ranked the highest with 103,188 accident cases reported, followed by Johor (48,880) and Kuala Lumpur (47,404). Perlis recorded the least, with 1,470 cases. It is a shocking number for those states, right? 

We, as the road users need to start taking responsibility for our own safety while driving as more than 80% of traffic accidents are caused by human error according to statistics by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros).

Here we have 10 precious golden rules to share with every road user. TAKE NOTE!

10 golden rules of road safety

1. Plan your journey
2. Adhere to the speed limit
3. Observe road safety guidelines when overtaking
4. Stop on red at traffic lights
5. Do not tailgate
6. Check your mirrors and use your signal lights before changing lanes
7. Do not jump queue
8. Do not weave through traffic
9. Always give way to motorcyclists and pedestrians
10. Most importantly, keep your cool

Source from

Written by: Beh Lih Sin
Student ID: 14WHR08490
Sponsorship department

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